Thursday, 6 March 2014

Facebook Round-Up (24/2 - 1/3)

In cased you missed our Facebook posts last week:
H1 GP - RIJCTuition News of the day: China's state-run media People's Daily just released an inciteful online game "Shoot The Devils" wherein players shoot Japanese war criminals from World War II, amid increasing tensions over territorial disputes (Senkaku / Diaoyu Islands).

Till this day, the Japanese (authorities) still downplay or deny the atrocities that their soldiers committed in World War II.

The release of the game however has elicited much disapproval from users of microblogging site Weibo.

H1 GP - RIJCTuition News of the day: Denmark has legislated a law requiring animals to be stunned before slaughtering, which supposedly prevents the Halal (and Kosher) practice of slaughtering a concious animal (by severing the carotid artery). Such a law is already present in some European countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Italy and Germany.

By the way, other examples you could use to illustrate the conflict between Islam and the West include:

-The banning of facial veils such as burqas and niqabs (France, Switzerland). Justification: counter-terrorism, security

-The banning of minarets (Switzerland). Justification: damages cultural identity, mosques shouldn't be taller than churches

-Outlawing of female genital mutilation (Sweden, Britain, France, Netherlands etc)

-Islamophobic convictions also led Anders Breivik to carry out the 2011 Norway attacks. 

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